

My old BF is coming over for a long weekend to visit. He picked of all the occasions Thanksgiving, this most sacred of American holidays. A lot of people asked me, upon telling them, "is his wife coming with him?". I had to laugh this question off, in all its naivety, but it still got to me. They must have very little common ground by now, that J chose to spend it with me. I was a bit shocked myself. I am looking forward to his visit, but not without some anxiety. I hope all is going to be well.


Dan Hadan said...

Since I read this going back in time, I already know that your hopes have been shattered. I'm sorry for you. And I have no advice either--it took me years to understand that sex, love, standing by someone and all that, often don't come in one package.

countrygirl said...

My hopes have been shattered? Regarding...? No, hopes for this meeting were pretty much met. I didn't have high hopes, anyway. It was pleasant and expectations were met.